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Datta, A. et al. (2023) Kerala Nurses in Germany: From Heteronormativity to Transnational Patriarchy, Migration and Diversity, Vol. 2, Issue 3
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Datta, A. (2016). Ethnoscape-Financescape Interface: Work Space Experiences for Indian Guest-Workers in Germany, Transcience: A Journal of Global Studies, Vol.6, Issue 1, March, pp. 51-68.
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Datta, A. (2014). The Left Debacle in Lok Sabha 2014: A Critical Overview, Mainstream Weekly, Vol. LII, No.25, pp. 51-57.
Datta, A. (2014). ‘Adda’ as the Locale of Bengali Public Sphere: From Coffee House to Barista, West Bengal Sociological Review, Volume III, pp. 17-25.